“As for the saw, that was the province of David Coulter, the musical polymath who is the festival’s artist-in-residence. For the encore of the CD’s title track, Coulter sat in with the rest, using bow and mallet to make the tool’s bendable metal produce a panoply of eerie moans and fierce pings. That, too, felt wonderfully of a piece.”
Link to review here
“David Coulter brings sound of saw to Kronos Festival
Link to Jesse Hamlin’s very kind piece on me in the Chronicle here
And Evan Neff (photographer-in-residence for Kronos) has very kindly agreed to allow me to share his great photographs here. Thanks Evan.
A thousand thanks to Janet Cowperthwaite, David Harrington, John Sheba, Hank Dutt, Sunny Yang and all the innumerable folk who worked so hard to make these concerts so enjoyable and wonderfully taken care of.